Pressing On


A study of the Scriptures to discover who God is, what He is like, and how to partner with Him now.

Filtering by Tag: making the effort

The recipe for our best life

What are the components of a “good life”?  Or, what conditions would you want to have in place in order for you to live your “best life”?

We can come up with a pretty quick list if we look at what we lament about when we feel like someone didn’t get their “best life” opportunity:

We’re bothered when someone, even a stranger to us, dies “young”.  Something doesn’t feel right if a person doesn’t at least make it into their late sixties…and something feels completely wrong if a person dies before reaching adulthood.

Best life component #1: a long life

We’re also bothered when someone dies before they can fulfill their potential.  We say things like, “Oh, she would have made a great doctor.” Or, “He never did start that business he always dreamed of.” Wasted ability and unused capacity have such a hollow ring to them.  It’s both sad and frustrating to think of “what might have been” with a little more time or a little more effort.

Best life component #2: a fulfilling life

Lastly, we know the world is more than a tick “off”.  The turmoil, the struggle, and the pain all leave us with a feeling of “It’s not supposed to be like this”…and yet, we’re not sure how to address it all.  We want peace – yes, in the world, but even more so in ourselves.  We make both conscious and unconscious decisions in pursuit of our own safety, mental/physical/emotional health, and our well-being.

Best life component #3: a life characterized by health and well-being

Mix all three of those “Best life components” together, and you get this working definition:

A long, fulfilling life characterized by health and well-being.

That sounds pretty good to me, and I’m confident it sounds good to you as well.

But what if I told you that God has already given us a clearly-defined path to living this kind of “Best Life”? 

When Solomon, the wisest man on the planet, wanted to teach his sons about wisdom and right-living, he recorded his proverbs for them to read.  These wisdom-filled probabilities were based on his observations of life, his own learnings, and the knowledge God had given him.  Within his introduction, Solomon had this to say:

Proverbs 3:1-2
My son, don’t forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commands;
for they will bring you many days, a full life, and well-being.

Even back in Solomon’s time – they were searching for the same kind of “Best Life” that we are still looking for today.  However, we must note that Solomon says the “Best Life” doesn’t happen by accident…there are both do’s and don’ts involved:

Don’t forget my teaching – Solomon is dropping wisdom here, and if his sons can’t remember what dad is teaching, then they can’t apply it.  And if they can’t apply it, then their best life is at a serious risk of not happening.   

Let your heart keep my commands – Each son must individually choose to follow dad’s instructions.  It’s the follow-through of doing that will take them down the best life path.

In the coming weeks, we’re going to take a look at the steps Solomon prescribes for his sons – both the do’s and the don’ts – and we’ll see how they can bring us to

A long, fulfilling life characterized by health and well-being.

But for now, you and I must make the choice to listen, to not forget what we learn, and to do what we learn as we discover the recipe to living out our best life.

Keep Pressing,

Olympic-sized choices

Every two years, we are treated to a spectacle of human effort, strength, and determination.  Both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games have an incredible ability to draw us in.  We see athletes who have put in years – even decades – of effort into their skills and honing their craft.  We are introduced to these country representatives through interviews, old family videos, and personal stories.  Invariably, we hear about their dedication, toughness, and desire.  These individuals have mastered their bodies and minds to achieve peak human condition in order to compete at the highest level with others who have done the same.

The Olympic Games remind us that physical competition is not a modern society invention, as we humans have a strong desire to be the best at something.  Humans have always gone to great lengths to prove our prowess in a given competition or setting.  

The Apostle Paul noted the efforts and dedication of ancient athletes in his letter to the church in Corinth:

1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Don’t you know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize?  Run in such a way to win the prize.  Now everyone who competes exercises self-control in everything.  They do it to receive a perishable crown, but we an imperishable crown.

Invariably, you’ll find a preacher who, on a Sunday during the modern 17-day Olympic event, points to this Scripture and says, “See?  As incredible as their athletic achievements are, in the end, useless. Their crowns are perishable.  They won’t last.  These people have wasted their time on temporal success.”

This kind of interpretation assumes that the athletes are not believers, and they are strictly driven by self-centered goals.  However, when reading the passage as a whole, in the context of the entire letter, it’s difficult to claim that in these four sentences, Paul’s aim was to put the athletes down for their efforts.

In the previous verses, Paul discussed the importance of winning for him.  His said that his aim was to meet people where they were, regardless of their background or societal standing, in order to share the gospel message – that Jesus gives eternal life to all who believe in Him for it.

1 Corinthians 9:22-23
I have become all things to all people, so that I may by every possible means save some.  Now I do all this because of the gospel, so that I may share in the blessings.

Right after this, Paul uses the runners-striving-to-win-the-race comparison we looked at already.  Instead of putting down these athletes, Paul says we should imitate their tenacity and dedication as we strive to receive an imperishable crown.

And don’t let anyone tell you that this imperishable crown is going to heaven when you die.  This crown is clearly earned, and Paul says he makes his effort so that I may share in the blessings.  Crowns in the ancient games gave the one who earned them status, rewards, and special access to both events and royalty.  If that’s what a perishable crown is worth…how much more valuable would an imperishable crown be?

Continuing the athletic metaphor, Paul then reveals his training regimen:

1 Corinthians 9:26-27
So I do not run like one who runs aimlessly or box like one beating the air.  Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified.

No athlete, after putting so much time and effort into their training, wants to be disqualified from the contest.  A “DQ” means they miss the opportunity to earn the victor’s crown and, as a result, cannot receive the benefits that crown would have given them access to.

Since Paul wants to share in the blessings of an imperishable crown, he makes intentional choices about how he spends his time, where his focus lies, and how he treats his physical body.  Paul is giving the Corinthian believers (and us!) an example to follow in order to run in such a way to win the prize.

So…how’s your training going?

To be honest with you, mine’s not going so well…and I didn’t even realize it.  I really like strategy/puzzle games.  Recently, I found a new game to play on my phone.  I was doing just fine, playing the levels at my own pace.  And then they started an open contest, to see who could complete a certain task the most number of times within a time limit.  So I jumped right in and started playing away.  Surprising myself, I came in first.  On the next contest, I came in first again.  And I did it again – three wins in a row.  I don’t personally know any of the people I was competing against, but I won, and by sizeable margins. 

However, I received a real shock this last Sunday.  My phone keeps track of how much time I spend on each app and then gives me a weekly report.  Guess how much time I spent on the game this past week?  It was over 15 hours.  Sure, I won – a lot.  What did I win?  More boosters so I could continue to play the game.  Nothing tangible.  Nothing sharable.  Certainly nothing of eternal value.

App games are fine, but do I really need to spend 15 hours on them in one week?  Doing the math – that’s 32.5 DAYS per year.  If I continue on my current pace, I will spend an entire month of this year playing a game on my phone. 

What good could I do with half that time? 

We become good at whatever we spend most of our time doing.  Want to be a better athlete?  Spend time training.  Want to be promoted in your job?  Spend time doing your current job well and work to get the additional skills or education you need to move up.  The more TV we watch, the more proficient we become at it. 

Want to be more like Jesus?  Get out and love on people, especially people you don’t routinely hang around. 

Want to earn eternal rewards?  Make disciplined choices with your time, your focus, and your priorities.  Meet people where they are and tell them about Jesus’ free gift of eternal life. 

And don’t become disqualified because you were distracted.

Keep Pressing,

For my son - The snooze button is a liar

My youngest son has officially finished high school and is getting ready to embark on the next phase of his life.  As I am nostalgically thinking of that time in my own life, I am also thinking of the things God has taught me since then.

This is the first post in a three-part series where I am remembering lessons I have learned later in life that I would love for my son know now...

I chose this post because, as an adult, he is now fully responsible for his choices in life.  The successes and failures of his time management will be his alone.  While there’s not a specifically required time of day to spend with God, first thing in the morning is often the best…provided we do not give in to repeatedly hitting the snooze button.

The snooze button is a liar
Originally posted on December 13, 2018 

A blaring alarm clock is not the thing you want to hear first thing in the morning.  The alarm tone is purposely loud and obnoxious so we are awakened from our slumber to start the day at the right time.  Even though we’re the ones who picked the time for the alarm, we still resent that the alarm is interrupting our sleep.

We’ve got a ton of things to do, and a schedule to keep if we want to do them well.  Yet, sitting deceptively close to the “Alarm Off” button is another button.  It is usually several times larger than the one to stop the alarm – the Snooze Button.

When the alarm is blaring, the main thing I care about is hitting the button to make it stop…but this other button makes an enticing offer: I could lay my groggy head back down on the pillow for an additional 9 minutes.  The Snooze Button invites me to give up “just a tiny fraction” of my morning so I can get that much more rest before starting my day.  I let it convince me that I will feel better and more active, if I could just get a few more minutes of sleep.

But let’s be honest: I rarely hit the Snooze Button only once.  And when I do eventually get up, the morning is super-rushed because I’m now pressed for time.  I barely have time to shower, dress, grab my work bag, and stuff some food in my face before running out the door, all of which could have been easily managed had I not pressed the Snooze Button.

But I’ve noticed two things – First, I am NOT more rested when I take the Snooze Button’s offer of additional sleep, broken up into 9 minute chunks.  If anything, I feel more tired and frazzled at the start of my day.  Secondly, whenever I “sleep in” the first item on my to-do list that gets dropped is my time reading God’s Word.

All throughout the Bible we see examples of God wanting to spend time with us, but what we also see is that God expects us to put in some effort and desire to be with Him.  Look at the three “IFs” Solomon gives his son, and what result will come if he actually follows through:

Proverbs 2:1-5
My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
listening closely to wisdom and directing your heart to understanding;
furthermore, if you call out to insight and lift your voice to understanding,
if you seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure,

then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.

Why do we need to spend time in the Bible?  Paul reminded Timothy of the Scripture’s usefulness and effect on his life:

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

One last example.  Peter is reminding his readers of their main source of food for spiritual growth:

1 Peter 2:2
Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word, so that you may grow up into your salvation

There are numerous other references and examples I could give, but I think you get the point.  God wants to meet with us, but we need to intentionally set aside time to do so.  Perhaps you need to take the small step I need to take: stop hitting the Snooze Button.  That button lies to us – we don’t get what it promises.  We end up starting our day rushed and feeling bad, while missing out on something much, much better.

Are you skeptical that God couldn’t use 9 minutes with Him to make a difference in your life?  I dare you to try it this next week and find out.

Keep Pressing,

Put on your reporter's hat

Have you ever been trying to study your Bible, only to slam it shut out of frustration, wondering why you haven’t been able to remember, let alone understand, what you have spent the last 15 minutes reading?  Did you ask yourself the question, ‘Why can’t I get more out of studying the Scriptures?’ 

I’ve been there.  I made an honest effort.  Went to bed early so I could get up early, made coffee, and sat down while everyone else was still asleep so I would have no distractions.  Didn’t know where to start, so I just picked something – like a chapter out of one of Paul’s letters – and started to read. 

There seemed to be a few interesting or useful things, but I had completely read it in less than 5 minutes…and I’m wondering: How am I supposed to ‘study’ this?  Reluctantly, I read it again.  And again.  And again.  But nothing new appeared, and I didn’t hear God’s voice instructing me…so I just sat there, frustratedly thinking:  I’ve often heard others talk about mining the Word for God’s riches and wisdom…all I want is a few nuggets for myself, I don’t need to hit the mother lode.  But all I’ve got so far is a few flakes, and I’ve been staring at the chapter for almost 30 minutes.  Maybe others are finding this profitable, but not me…

If this sounds even remotely familiar, take heart, you’re not alone!  Think about how the exchange of information has changed over the last 100 years.  We have made a radical shift from a word-based society of readers to an image-based society of viewers.  Billboards, video games, movies, and TV.  The primary medium of our time is TV and videos, not books.  As a result, we don’t know how to read…to a large extent, it is a lost art.

Yet the Bible is a book, which means it must be read to be understood and appreciated.  We need to reacquire the skills of reading if we want to become effective Bible students.  One of the best ways to read well is to think like a reporter.

Reporters are famous for asking five basic questions: Who?, What?, Where?, When?, and Why?  Asking these types of questions of the Biblical text will help us make observations that we wouldn’t see on a normal read-though.

1.       First up is the question Who?  Pretty simple question to answer, right?  Just read the text.  But once you’ve identified who is in the passage, I suggest you write down two types of things: 1) what info do you have about this person from your passage, and 2) what does the person say in your passage.

2.       Next is the question What?  We ask questions like: What is happening in the text?  What are the events, and in what order?  What happens to the characters?  Or if the passage argues a point, what’s the argument?  What point is the author trying to make?

Another good What? question to ask is ‘What’s wrong with this picture?’  Remember, we are given many good examples in the Bible, but there also are many people that serve as examples of what not to do. 

3.       Third is the question Where?  This gives you location – Where is the narrative taking place?  Where are the people in the story?  Where are they coming from?  Where are they going?  Where is the writer?  Where were the original readers of this text?  What does the text tell you about any location mentioned?

4.       Fourth is the question When?  This is a question of time.  When did the events take place?  When did they occur in relation to other events in Scripture?  Is this before or after Jesus’ death and resurrection?  When was the writer writing?  Are the events of the passage happening on a certain day or month?

5.       Lastly, we ask the question Why?  There are an infinite number of why questions to ask (and anyone who has had a 3 year old knows this as fact!).  Why is this included?  Why is it placed here?  Why is this book included in the Bible?  Why does a person say that, or why did he say nothing?  Why? is a question that digs for meaning.

A good reporter knows that not every question is applicable to all situations.  You might ask one of these questions and not find an answer in the text...for example, you could ask, When is this taking place? and the psalm, proverb, or passage doesn’t have any reference to time.  So, we just move on to the next question.  Don’t pressure yourself to find something that’s not there.  We need to let the text speak for itself.

As you find observations using your reporter questions, be sure to write them down in your notebook.  We’ll come back to them later, and – let’s be honest – we won’t remember everything we observe, so we need to write it down.

Now, let’s put our reporter questions to use on our passage.  You can use any question from the list above or come up with a few questions of your own. 

Joshua 1:6-9
“Be strong and courageous, for you will distribute the land I swore to their fathers to give them as an inheritance.  Above all, be strong and very courageous to observe carefully the whole instruction my servant Moses commanded you.  Do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will have success wherever you go.

This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to meditate on it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it.  For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.  Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous?  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Whatever you find, whether you write down a lot or just a few observations…don’t despise it.  If Jesus can feed 5,000+ people with 5 loaves and 2 fish, we can trust Him to feed us with what we work to find in the Scriptures.

Keep Pressing,

The snooze button is a liar

A blaring alarm clock is not the thing you want to hear first thing in the morning.  The alarm tone is purposely loud and obnoxious so we are awakened from our slumber to start the day at the right time.  Even though we’re the ones who picked the time for the alarm, we still resent that the alarm is interrupting our sleep.

We’ve got a ton of things to do, and a schedule to keep if we want to do them well.  Yet, sitting deceptively close to the “Alarm Off” button is another button.  It is usually several times larger than the one to stop the alarm – the Snooze Button.

When the alarm is blaring, the main thing I care about is hitting the button to make it stop…but this other button makes an enticing offer: I could lay my groggy head back down on the pillow for an additional 9 minutes.  The Snooze Button invites me to give up “just a tiny fraction” of my morning so I can get that much more rest before starting my day.  I let it convince me that I will feel better and more active, if I could just get a few more minutes of sleep.

But let’s be honest: I rarely hit the Snooze Button only once.  And when I do eventually get up, the morning is super-rushed because I’m now pressed for time.  I barely have time to shower, dress, grab my work bag, and stuff some food in my face before running out the door, all of which could have been easily managed had I not pressed the Snooze Button.

But I’ve noticed two things – First, I am NOT more rested when I take the Snooze Button’s offer of additional sleep, broken up into 9 minute chunks.  If anything, I feel more tired and frazzled at the start of my day.  Secondly, whenever I “sleep in” the first item on my to-do list that gets dropped is my time reading God’s Word.

All throughout the Bible we see examples of God wanting to spend time with us, but what we also see is that God expects us to put in some effort and desire to be with Him.  Look at the three “IFs” Solomon gives his son, and what result will come if he actually follows through:

Proverbs 2:1-5
My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
listening closely to wisdom and directing your heart to understanding;
furthermore, if you call out to insight and lift your voice to understanding,
if you seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure,

then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.

Why do we need to spend time in the Bible?  Paul reminded Timothy of the Scripture’s usefulness and effect on his life:

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

One last example.  Peter is reminding his readers of their main source of food for spiritual growth:

1 Peter 2:2
Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word, so that you may grow up into your salvation

There are numerous other references and examples I could give, but I think you get the point.  God wants to meet with us, but we need to intentionally set aside time to do so.  Perhaps you need to take the small step I need to take: stop hitting the Snooze Button.  That button lies to us – we don’t get what it promises.  We end up starting our day rushed and feeling bad, while missing out on something much, much better.

Are you skeptical that God couldn’t use 9 minutes with Him to make a difference in your life?  I dare you to try it this next week and find out.

Keep Pressing,

Making the effort, but struggling in weakness

Christ, the Greater Messenger, has invited us to partner with Him now.  The reward for doing so is entering God’s rest, which is the administration of His future kingdom.  The author of Hebrews is using the example of the Israelites leaving Egypt and their opportunity to participate in the administration of the future county of Israel as a parallel to our own lives:

Hebrews 4:9-11
A Sabbath rest remains, therefore, for God’s people.  For the person who has entered His rest has rested from his own works, just as God did from His.  Let us then make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall into the same pattern of disobedience.

Notice that the author is stressing our need to make every effort to enter that rest; as such, he is clearly not taking about Jesus’ offer of eternal salvation from the penalty of our sins.  If the rest discussed here were simply heaven, we wouldn’t have to work for it, because eternal life is an unearned gift (John 3:16; John 10:25; Ephesians 2:8-9; Revelation 22:17).  Effort, however, is needed if we are going to be partners with Jesus and His administration of the universe.  Our efforts now do not affect “where” we will spend eternity, but our efforts now will effect “what” we will be doing in eternity future.

Since the Israelites’ example and Jesus’ superior message are available in Scripture, this is the place we should be looking to see what we must do NOW in order to enter into the future kingdom participation LATER.  However, when we look through Scripture, we discover:

Hebrews 4:12-13
For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide soul, spirit, joints, and marrow; it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart.  No creature is hidden from Him, but all things are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.

Since an account for my life will be given, all my times of having a sinful, unbelieving heart will be known…and I remember how God dealt with the Israelites for the unbelief (they missed out on participating in the establishment of the kingdom of Israel!)  What am I going to do, then?  Given my mistakes, sins, and all the times I act selfishly…How can I ever be considered qualified to partner with God in the future?

Hebrews 4:14-15
Therefore since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens – Jesus the Son of God – let us hold fast to the confession.  For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin.

This tells me that Christ is on my side, as my brother in the family and the bridge for my relationship between me and God the Father.  I am not alone in my struggles!  Even greater still, we are told:

Hebrews 4:16
Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time.

In all honesty, my human mind would not expect this.  We are so weak…so very, very weak.  We do not deserve the first, second, or any chance to partner with God.  And once again, our God blows away our expectations with His mercy and grace.

Jesus is here to sympathize with our weaknesses and to help us in our time of need, so that we can make every effort to enter that rest.

Keep Pressing,